I'm relieved, grateful and encouraged that something so vital is being addressed at this level. Thanks to Abir Ballan and PANDA.

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I have collected a string of CNN, BBC, NYTIMES articles PROVING incitement, communism and terrorism. I have collected enough evidence to have all prosecuted, including the WHO.

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It's great to be among friends. I'm newly subscribed

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Thank you for all your work during this debacle, I wonder if you can tell me if I can use the documents above re- cease and desist in Australia - I know a few 'Chief Health Officers' & 'Premiers' who really fall into the same category as those mentioned in Dr Yeadon and @AnnadeBuisseret above.?

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The question is if the reliance on the existing laws, courts, and judges will be enough to change anything. Would our enemies do all of what they are doing if they weren’t sure that they have the means to circumvent all of the above? My advice. Don't wait for legal cases and proceedings. Governments and a lot of other major institutions are corrupt and compromised. Judges can be bribed and threatened or they may be infected by the mass psychosis phenomenon. Legal cases can be delayed, postponed, thrown out. The enemy will also use bureaucracy to his advantage. The only thing they need is time to implement their mass surveillance and digital enslavement grid in place. Don't give it to them.

People need to know that there is a way out of this madness - https://mellob33.substack.com/p/restoring-sanity-and-bringing-people

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