I miss your writing on Twitter. Thanks for sharing this.

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More than anything, this is a lesson in we have nothing to fear but fear itself. For we have done incredible damage to ourselves for generations to come, simply out of fear of a " middling virus" (Yeadon), little better than a flu. Nasty for the sick (95% of covid deaths had at least 4 comorbidities, 66% had as many as 6 or more), but mostly above the average life expectancy, and our interventions have shifted the damage to an epic economic demolition derby, and lasting damage to our health, plus a far greater loss of life in terms or years lost, by shifting the excess deaths to children and to the working population. All of the interventions were worse than the disease, and the proof is coming out in the excess death statistics. We had a comorbidity problem, never a virus problem and now we've got a vaccine problem including an even worse virus problem for the vaccines were turbo chargers for the virus.

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