O Ye believers in vaccines...
How long will you allow children to be sacrificial lambs at the altar of Big Pharma?
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Science challenge: Vaccines are a miracle cure.
Can you falsify this claim? If you can't, we'll be all happy and more confident that the claim is true.
This is how science works- by testing hypotheses- not by believing in them as dogma.
Some dissident scientists have been saying that the decrease in deaths over the last century is a trend that predates the discovery of vaccines. They note that other confounding variables may be at play such as urbanisation, sanitation, hygiene, other medical advances (antibiotic....)
Is it possible that vaccines are a great invention for Big Pharma rather rather than for humanity? After all, they allow them to capture a customer base made up of 100% of the world population who can be forced -by colluding with government- to buy their product under the pretext of the greater good. Can anyone wish for a better product?
Given the high level of conflict of interest and the potential for corruption, should we have better checks and balances in place to safeguard the wellbeing of an unsuspecting public?
Could allowing the CEOs of Big Pharma to dictate public health policy be considered as NEGLIGENCE?
If we still value science, we should investigate the manufacturers’ claims and hold them accountable for wrongdoing. If we are into dogma, we will have to turn a blind eye to the sacrificing of children.
“1499, the Aztecs performing child sacrifice to appease the angry gods”
Watch this eye opening video: The story of how science became religion and how faith in vaccines is blinding
"There is no greater way to demonstrate our belief than to sacrifice our children... The ultimate form of virtue signalling."
More and more evidence is pointing to the irreversible harm associated with the Covid-19 vaccines.
See the total adverse events following all vaccines reported to the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System over the last decade.
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This is particularly concerning in the case of children and young people who have almost Zero risk of death form Covid-19.
Yet their risk from the Covid-19 vaccines is well documented and undeniable now.
"We present autopsy findings of a 22-year-old man who developed chest pain 5 days after the first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine and died 7 hours later." "The primary cause of death was determined to be myocarditis, causally-associated with the BNT162b2 vaccine." (Ref)
"Troponin levels [an indicator of heart injury] were elevated in all patients [following the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines]. Alternate possible causes of myocarditis were deemed clinically unlikely based on medical history, physical examination, myocarditis viral panel, and toxicology screen. (Ref)
"The incidence [of myocarditis/pericarditis in Hong Kong adolescents] after the first and second doses were 3.37 and 21.22 per 100,000 persons vaccinated, respectively." (Ref)
Yet some doctors/scientists- inflicted with group think- continue to dismiss this phenomenon as mild and transient, despite the evidence against their claim.
Recent study shows persisting heart injury 4.4 months following the Covid-19 injection.
Do you know the story of Abraham and Ishmael?
Abraham believed that God expected him to sacrifice his son Ishmael. As Abraham summoned his courage to follow God’s orders, Ishmael was substituted with a lamb and left unharmed. This was a lesson to the believers that children are not to be sacrificed on the basis of beliefs.
O Ye Believers in vaccines,
Children are NOT to be sacrificed. Period.
I miss your writing on Twitter. Thanks for sharing this.