and not one country or US state saw a fall in infections AFTER the mandation of masks as I explain here to Dr Ahmad Malik

https://hughmccarthy.substack.com/p/they-are-doing-it-again-will-you ......let them?

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Thank you for this concise cornucopia of information!!! I think most people kind of know these things and understand that masks really don’t work but the Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Hypocritical & Hysterical Mockingbird Media Mob bombard them daily with so much FEAR PORN that they are literally just scared to death not to do something to protect themselves: And that is to wear a mask!!!

Some are true mask sycophants who actually believe it works, but I believe most are just so scared 😱 they are grasping at straws to make themselves feel safer and not worry about getting sick!!!

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Great resource to add to my compendium of mask inanity.

Thank you.

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and of course, it means an admission that the vaccine does not work, after all why would you need a mask (even if it worked) if the vaccine was "safe and EFFECTIVE"?

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Thank you for gathering the most relevant information and presenting it concisely. It will be much easier to share with others rather than reciting data from memory. The infographics should also be highly effective. This is greatly appreciated!

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I'm glad you found it useful

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thank you

Can someone make a qr code

easily printable for sticker to post on the wear a mask signs?

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Abir Ballan, MPH

Search "create your own sticker"

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great idea! You can also handover the QR code on public transport.

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