Thank you dear Abir for Sharing us the Light of the Genuine Reality . Preised Be The God Almighty YaHUaH THAT we Have such diligent and Brave people who risk their lives in sharing us The Light of The Truth, Keep on Bravely and Diligently and fear no evil , for it is Written :
Matthew 5:10
(KJV) Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
These are wonderful wake-up calls.
Awesome!!!! These should be billboards EVERYWHERE!!!!
Very, very nice. I will distribute to my contacts.
I’d like the Pinocchio one on a bumper sticker.
A powerful batch, amazing work.
Thank you dear Abir for Sharing us the Light of the Genuine Reality . Preised Be The God Almighty YaHUaH THAT we Have such diligent and Brave people who risk their lives in sharing us The Light of The Truth, Keep on Bravely and Diligently and fear no evil , for it is Written :
Matthew 5:10
(KJV) Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Amen in YaHUShUA Amen
Really good artwork - I hope it gets used.
Leopard poster - two spelling mistakes: 'illigal' should be 'illegal' and 'Healtthcare' should be 'Healthcare'.
Hi Abir!! Hope you've been good. This is Ivy. Wanted to pop in and wish you well. Also nice memes :)
That first one just fills me with horror and makes me want to weep.
Another twitter post
2nd meme
Great I’m on board.
Here is my first tweet