I love this! Seeing the Switch Challenge in the downloads makes it easier (for me, anyway) to come up with some switches to make right now. I'm going to print everything out for daily reminders. Thank you!

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Thank you Abir - health is wealth. I am responsible for my physical, mental, emotional & Spiritual well-being with the assistance of a Higher Power + holistic/Naturopathic Physicians I've been guided to. My insides will take care of my outside - SELF-Care vs health care ...

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Many of the foods I love are now associated with traumatic experiences. For example: I love and want to enjoy beans but now associate them with dirty cars and chaotic animals and people that criticize and judge me for being gassy or something.

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I notice when I eat low carb for too long I get horrible HORRIBLE GI upset. My salt levels have been low and I start retaining water when I do low carb as well. It’s now a constant balancing act and I have many voices telling me what to do but my intuition tells me otherwise more often than not.

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