So there is still room for improvement.

After the article on alcohol, I thought it was a one-sided and uninformed presentation. How the hell can it be that there are so many healthy old winegrowers? Who often pass on their businesses to their descendants for hundreds of years?

Very strange.

After almost 50 years of alcohol consumption - over the entire time in unchanged, moderate quantities - all the data that doctors can collect show that I am in excellent health.

How can that be? When Mrs Ballan is so sure that alcohol is so harmful?

Even stranger.

AND NOW this lady is also promoting the most misogynistic of religions as a shining example of dietary habits.

With marvellous tips such as limes or tomatoes as a substitute for sweets. Wonderful rewards. We eat both every day, but certainly not as a substitute for sweets

Oh, and Pasta is keeping you hungry. Sure does.

With greetings from a german 21,5 BMI (now ex-) reader


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I enjoyed reading this paper it was so conclusive but I have one remark about eating dates you advised in some part eating 1-2 dates when the Prophet PBUH advised to eat in impairs meaning 1-3 dates what the Prophet advised had to be a law

Otherwise it was so conclusive as I said and in accordance with all studies I had read about good nutrition and fasting but it wouldn’t that I could fast with my health issues I wish I could. Bravo Abir

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My advice is certainly not law. So feel free to eat 1 or 3 dates as you please. Sahten!

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