Thanks for this

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At this point I think we're down to dumberererererererererererererererererererererererer.

One definition of intelligence is being able to learn from OTHER PEOPLE'S mistakes.

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Some factors to consider, which can reduce IQ are:

* Any use of toxic heavy metals for medicine, including for dentistry and "vaccines".

* ALL "vaccination", which does contain numerous toxins, by design, which can cause brain damage (autism is probably toxin caused brain damage), with the clear psychopathic evil of an escalating quantity of pushed childhood "vaccines", also includes worse, combination ones, like MMR!

* Many other toxic drugs, including some for ADHD (bored with tiresome teachers/syllabus/policy) "disease".

* Malnutrition from eating trendy (e.g. vegan, vegetarian, fast food) diets, including far too little/no, home cooked intact-meat, animal organs, and saturated fat. This includes eating highly processes toxic "food", like HFCS, vegetable seed oils (industrial refineries), and anything else made by an industrial chemical process. Restaurants used to cook with animal fat, but now use toxic vegetable seed oils, so eating out will likely poison people!

* "Fluoride", lab-grade in dental stuff, drugs, and in some countries, toxic-waste-grade, from synthetic "fertiliser", etc., production, added to (poisoning) water.

* A dramatic increase in strength/frequency, for higher speeds, of digital/pulsed microwave radiation, often 24/7, for cell phones and Wi-Fi. No honest exposure/safety limits/warnings [1], with damned ignorant parents/guardians allowing any (thinner skull) child to carry 24/7 on mobile phone or reliance on a Wi-Fi connected computer. [1] Western microwave "safety" standards are an evil joke of the corrupt wireless industry. A fake skull filled with water and temperature sensors cannot hope to measure the actual damage, which can start to occur at magnitudes lower RF power than that which causes a noticeable heating effect.

* The progressive corruption of finance, media, education, government, law, business, by sly fake Jews (Orthodox "Jews", aka the Satanic Pharisees), who also created Marxism, then their Cultural Marxist sabotage weapons, mostly centred around the out-of-context, sophistry, use of the concept called "equality". This was used to conjure up many fake identities and fake discriminations, resulting in many meaningless and self-destructive conflicts. The only in-context, thus sane use, of the concept of "equality" is as a mathematical/computing abstraction, like j and infinity.

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The “Q” in the phrase, intelligence, quotient means that the absolute intelligence is divided by the persons age to come up with what we call the “IQ”. This is never an accurate descriptor of how clever somebody is because it is always debased by having the overall number mediated for age. Therefore it’s virtually impossible to make a meaningful comparison between the mental abilities of two people of differing ages which is why I have never believed anything to do With this hoax score

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