I agree with you on all of this in essence Abir, but the one sentence which makes me instinctively want to revolt is this: "The WHO claims that “No level of alcohol is safe for our health”.

Makes me want to reach for a bottle.

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I hesitated to put that one in. I think the WHO is a corrupt organisation as much as you do.

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Great article

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I want to be clear that I do not drink alcoholic beverages any longer, however although I know how damaging alcohol can be to a person's body and mind I also believe that in cases of domestic violence and other such crimes, it is more likely that these folks already have emotional issues which have driven them to drink excessively which may then cause them to act out violently. The same could be said for gun violence. When we look into incidence of fatal shootings it is not the gun that is responsible for the violence but the person wielding the weapon. There is often a disturbed individual who has committed the violence. Yes, there can also be mood affecting substances in the mix but the problem goes deeper than just drugs and alcohol. I believe these things are only symptoms and eliminating them will likely not eradicate the problem. We must look deeper!

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Absolutely. Not all people who drink become violent. The alcohol may facilitate or act as a disinhibitor for people who are troubled.

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Absolutely - you’ve hit the nail on the head

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Not everyone who drinks alcohol is addicted to it. Drinking a cold beer is very nice and refreshing.

Anything consumed in excess can be harmful.

I don't think people should be advocating for it to be banned because they don't like it or object to others who enjoy it. These reactions are typical of busybodies and do-gooders who are the modern moralists. To modern moralists, everything is their business. And nothing makes them happier than telling people what to do. They have penchant or propensity to interfere and control.

No one has the right to tell other people what to do.

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Well down at the Gaelic League I have a chance to socialize with the nicest and most generous and compassionate people I have met in a long, long time. Meeting them and getting to know them got me involved in my now regularly stopping by for some pints. I’m sure alcohol in general isn’t good for you but some of its negative effects are balanced out by the definitive benefits of an active social life, friendships and community.

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See my previous comment re the facts! Some very interesting counter arguments in that book I mentioned…...

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That’s funny because I did read an interesting article that talked about the benefits of alcohol to your health. It was really interesting, they reviewed the science and I think a lot of alcohol is bad but I m fine with a glass of sangria or wine. And I don’t know why but I often think I look better the next day on the days I did have wine. I know my dad has v factor leden , a thick blood condition if u will, so he is on warfarin , but although I don’t have it, I think the thinning of my blood is good for my circulation (as I get cold feee easily). Or maybe it’s the antioxidants in the wine. But regardless with so many microclotting issues happening I wouldn’t quit drinking (in moderation) at this time. I mean if it’s messing with your life quit but each person should assess themselves. (I mean extra calories and a beef belly are something people should avoid- but one glass of vino is not the same as 7 beers).

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Did you check the funding sources of these studies that found benefit for alcohol?

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And yes if the WHO want to ban it it must be good for you!

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well it definitely should not be banned... we know what happens when alcohol is banned... it didn't work before... this is a matter of personal nature. Just like we make personal decisions to eat less carbs, not eat processed food... we also need to make conscious decisions about consuming a toxic substance.

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The title of the Jordan Peterson video you used to accompany your article said THIS MUST BE BANNED! And there does seem to be a push from above to ban alcohol which he is obviously being used to promote. I have just read a book about wine and there is a lot of research that points to red wine (in particular) and ideally organic being good for us in moderation because of the antioxidants etc . The author pointed to studies that said those that drink alcohol moderately are more healthy and live longer than teetotallers (The very good news about wine - Tony Edwards). I do agree of course that too much is not good for anyone and the comment above about it being sociatel problems rather than the alcohol istelf is very on the nail.

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Hi Sarah,

Thank you for your feedback. I have added a note under the video to clarify my position on banning alcohol. I hadn't noticed the title. I believe all health behaviours (eating, smoking, alcohol consumption, vaccination) are a personal choice as long as they don't harm others. For example, smoking in a closed area is harmful to others and should be banned. Smokers can smoke in their home or outdoors.

Similarly, as long as people are only harming themselves with their alcohol consumption, then they are free to choose how much to consume of it. Drink driving, on the other hand, is harmful to others as well and should be banned. Excessive alcohol consumption is highly correlated with many societal problems like violence, crime, rape ... That's just a fact. So it's very important to make people aware of the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption and support them to make more responsible decisions around alcohol.

As for the book you've read on wine, I am curious to know the source of funding of the research and the book.

We need to keep in mind that all industries fund research and run PR campaigns to make their products look good... because it's good for business.

But let's accept that alcohol provides you with antioxidants... Could one possibly get those antioxidants from eating a rainbow coloured salad rather that drinking a substance that is a known toxin that the body can't get rid of without detoxifying it in the liver?

So a rainbow coloured salad gives you antioxidants + no harm

A glass of wine may give you antioxidants + some harm

It's up to you to decide how you get your antioxidants.

Finally, I apologise for not noticing the word "ban" in the video. It has clearly triggered you and lead you to reject the entire article as "prohibitive".


or ironically as the French say À votre santé!!

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Thanks for that Abir. I think you are right - the word ‘ban’ did trigger me and I had just finished reading the book called 'The very good news about wine’ by Tony Edwards so it was a perfect storm. I’d love to hear any feedback/info that you find out about the author and I'd be interested in what you think of the book if you do get a chance to take a look. He talks about other benefits alongside antioxidants and ‘debunks’ what he believes are alot of myths about alcohol (red wine in particular). He states and backs up with research that those that drink small amounts of wine are healthier than those that abstain completely. I personally adhere to the Mediterranean/rainbow diet as much as possible and do note they include red wine, with meals, in their diet. I do appreciate however that excessive alcohol consumption is no good for anyone. I look forward to hearing what you think if you read the book. Cheers! Sarah x

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Very surprised about this ‘prohibition’ style article. We are not children. If people choose to drink that is up to them. It’s been around for millennia. Drinking moderate amounts of red wine has been proven to be very beneficial. Obviously I don’t agree with alcohol being marketed to children plus I agree there is an alcohol problem but to ban it? That really is not OK. Plus Jordan Peterson has shown himself to be untrustworthy and no doubt on the side of the parasitic ‘ elite’. He is not to be trusted as far as I am concerned and is pushing a certain agenda. So I certainly won’t be listening to what he has to say.

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It's not a prohibition style article. You are free to choose whatever level of alcohol you want to consume. I'm just giving you the facts.. the rest is up to you.

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Alcohol is the (legal) opiate of the masses.

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So is sex.

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