While the BBC write a clearly over-the-top cheerleading article. Some will be duped into getting tested for the latest “thing”. The test, the numbers, the out-of-normal variance scale—all designed to sell a product. It’s Big Pharma Marketing 101.
If you would have applied those simple rules for critical thinking you would have been vaccinated regardless. Amazing how this "no critical thinking anti Vax" movement thinks that the sun shine out of their ass
Thank you for the information. I am/was aware of most of the bodily autonomy consent and agree with them. Having said that I wanted to point the initial claim in the link: " The COVID-19 vaccines “are a gene therapy". I am not in any way or form claim to be an expert in the matter, but, as your article suggests, i do attempt to criticaly read. As far as i know, the COVID-19 vaccines do not change a person’s genes, as gene therapy does. The shots from Pfizer and Moderna use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to instruct the body to create a protein from the coronavirus. Again, not an expert opinion but rather voicing what I learned by reading. The claim above is coming specifically from Dr. Robert Malone who is very vocal regarding the covid vaccines, and as a critical reader I learned that it boils down to his personal "insult" for not being credited regarding his contribution to the rna research. Again, not an expert, but as far as I know there's a huge difference between rna and DNA. Rna cannot change DNA. That's the gist of it. Now, since this is the only claim that leads to our bodily autonomy, which I agree with, I'd suggest that the claims done to support it will be based on facts and not by fear mongering.
Lol.. frightened? From what? From who? A person who uses words he dies not understand? Why am I a fascist? For telling you to think critically? How did I trample over the Nuremberg code? You're just highlight what initially replied to you.. no critical thinking and by your reply it seems like you have another issue.. reading comprehension.. which is the first step before being able to critically read something. I did not force you to do anything against your will.. all I wrote is that the anti Vax movement (sorry it offends you I call it as it is you little snowflake) thinks only they know the truth.. if one person tells you you're drunk you can ignore.. if the whole room tells you you're drunk and one idiot tells you you're fine you're probably drunk.. and that sums up you antivax "truths" and "proofs". Read critically!
Yours is a brilliant and exceedingly helpful article. Fantastic deconstruction. Hope to see more like this.
Brilliant analysis. Thank you!
While the BBC write a clearly over-the-top cheerleading article. Some will be duped into getting tested for the latest “thing”. The test, the numbers, the out-of-normal variance scale—all designed to sell a product. It’s Big Pharma Marketing 101.
Fantastic. Fundamental.
Pandora's Box is well and truly open!
We also have The Trusted News Initiative here in Canada as well wit many saying I was a tinfoil hat wearer since 2019 .
Be a sceptic and question everything and trust your instinct.
Whenever a New demonic technology or drug is introduced it is trumpeted as assisting poor ill people.
This is the the Trojan horse they use to gain your acceptance
Be aware of this trick and never let your guard down
If you would have applied those simple rules for critical thinking you would have been vaccinated regardless. Amazing how this "no critical thinking anti Vax" movement thinks that the sun shine out of their ass
You seem to be an open minded person, George. The proof is that you are here. You are considering alternative evidence.
May I entice you to read this and then decide for yourself whether people were accurately informed prior to 'consenting' to their vaccination.
Thank you for the information. I am/was aware of most of the bodily autonomy consent and agree with them. Having said that I wanted to point the initial claim in the link: " The COVID-19 vaccines “are a gene therapy". I am not in any way or form claim to be an expert in the matter, but, as your article suggests, i do attempt to criticaly read. As far as i know, the COVID-19 vaccines do not change a person’s genes, as gene therapy does. The shots from Pfizer and Moderna use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to instruct the body to create a protein from the coronavirus. Again, not an expert opinion but rather voicing what I learned by reading. The claim above is coming specifically from Dr. Robert Malone who is very vocal regarding the covid vaccines, and as a critical reader I learned that it boils down to his personal "insult" for not being credited regarding his contribution to the rna research. Again, not an expert, but as far as I know there's a huge difference between rna and DNA. Rna cannot change DNA. That's the gist of it. Now, since this is the only claim that leads to our bodily autonomy, which I agree with, I'd suggest that the claims done to support it will be based on facts and not by fear mongering.
Lol.. frightened? From what? From who? A person who uses words he dies not understand? Why am I a fascist? For telling you to think critically? How did I trample over the Nuremberg code? You're just highlight what initially replied to you.. no critical thinking and by your reply it seems like you have another issue.. reading comprehension.. which is the first step before being able to critically read something. I did not force you to do anything against your will.. all I wrote is that the anti Vax movement (sorry it offends you I call it as it is you little snowflake) thinks only they know the truth.. if one person tells you you're drunk you can ignore.. if the whole room tells you you're drunk and one idiot tells you you're fine you're probably drunk.. and that sums up you antivax "truths" and "proofs". Read critically!