It’s good to know…
Prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic, teams of experts at the World Health Organisation (WHO) studied the scientific literature and drafted recommendations for pandemic management. None of the non-pharmaceutical interventions deployed during this pandemic were recommended previously.
Here are some direct quotes from WHO’s Document on Non-pharmaceutical Public Health Measures for Mitigating the Risk and Impact of Epidemic and Pandemic Influenza (2019)
About the author
Abir Ballan has a Masters in Public Health, a graduate degree in special needs education and a BA in psychology. She is a children’s author with 27 published books. She is an advocate for the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
yet ,it was all overturned.
This is exactly the information I have mentioned to people on Twitter multiple times. Thank you for summarizing and linking to it! What I find particularly interest though, is how the existence of this information does not result in people--almost immediately--stopping listening to pFauci, and the rest of the lunatics pushing worthless NPIs. I know. I know. That is too much to ask!