Twitter just banned my account again. This time for ‘hateful conduct’.
The message above was a retweet of the following Tweet:

In this video, the young lady tells her story of how she had to compete against a biological male in a swimming competition. Their time was a tie but the 1st place prize was awarded to the biological male.
Let me state my position clearly…
I don’t care what people identify as.
But here’s the thing…
A biological male has the XY chromosomes, a penis and testicles, bigger bodies (generally) , stronger muscles and more testosterone.
A biological female has the XX chromosomes, milk-producing-breasts (giving them lactating capacity), a uterus (giving them childbearing capacity), a vagina, smaller bodies (generally), smaller muscles and more estrogen and progesterone.
Men and women are complimentary. They can never be the same, nor should they be. It is essential for society to have both sexes with their different abilities, interests, inclination, characteristic features…..
Anything that deviates from the norm reflects underlying psychological issues resulting from a childhood trauma or from our current state of toxic society.
I tolerate and sympathise with all people. People are free to be whomever they want. But they can not impose on society what is WRONG as RIGHT.
I don’t tolerate a biological male using the same toilettes as my daughter.
I don’t tolerate a biological male competing against my daughter in sports simply because it’s unfair due to the difference in their biological make-up.
I’m disgusted with governments that want to breakdown the individual by confusing and disillusioning our young with these gender identity lessons. They broke down our communities, our families and now the individual. Broken down individuals are much easier to rule.
I’m disgusted with social media platform that act as propaganda arms of governments.
I’m disgusted that stating my opinion is described as hate speech. Who deicides what is the cut-off point for hate speech? Is there a manual for that?
I’m just generally disgusted.
People, have the courage to say things as they are. Acquiescing is dangerous.
Please share this on Twitter and tag Elon Musk and Twitter.
So much for their freedom of speech!
Hate speech is whatever the elites disagree with.
Bravo! Now let’s see if Twitter flags me for RE-posting your TRUTH. We are all the same in that God created us all and created us all differently- man, woman, tall, short, black, white, yellow, etc. There are none of us who do not matter more or less or until some of us “matter” because we ALL matter as God’s children.