Ask not what the world can do for you, ask what you can do for the world
Your children are counting on you
Dear Friends,
Twitter is good for connecting
❤️s & retweets are nice for sharing our thoughts in this echo chamber and for social support
Real-life difference requires small real-life actions
We all have a role to play. We all have a duty towards our children.
What can you do?
1. share these infobites => Do a broadcast list on WhatsApp or Telegram with your contacts. Send one per day.
2. engage in conversation with loved ones. Tell them that we are on the same side and that we have the same concerns. Tell them that people in power have always used the divide & conquer strategy to stay in power. We should not let them divide us.
3. Talk to your friends about the effects of propaganda.
Share with them some of these memes. Let them go viral.
4. model calm and sensible behaviour
5. Practice peaceful civil disobedience whenever possible. It’s liberating.

6. protest against censorship by participating in the #ReinstateTheVoices, #ReinstateFreeSpeech campaign

7. email your school staff to inform them that the scientific evidence does not support the lockdowns, school closure, masks, and mandatory vaccination. (excellent resources in this email)
8. email your schools, public health officials, MPs, education department, ministry of public health... to inform them of All the risks and the Zero benefits. Distribute some leaflets to parents.
9. email businesses in your community that are implementing the vaccine passport. Show them the absurdity of this pass and how divisive it is.
10. email your prime minister, president, MP. Tell them that you know that all of these policies are not based on scientific evidence. Let them know that you know. Politicians carve power and are suckers for votes.
11. email your university to protest against mandatory vaccination
12. Send out these 20 lies to your friends. Challenge them to debunk them. Put the burden of proof on them. Can they support their stance?
13. talk about available treatments next time you go out to dinner with your friends or with the cashier at your local supermarket.
14. Distribute some flyers next time you go to the gym to stand against medical tyranny and apartheid.
There is so much you can do and so much to be gained by taking small actions.
Never say what is my email going to do. Your email and my email and his email and her email show that the public sentiment is shifting.
Our loud voices make a difference.
Believe in your power as an individual. Many individuals, before you, have made a big difference.
What would the world be like today without Rosa Parks?
I can't even imagine.
Believe that GOOD always wins over EVIL.
Believe that humanity is what binds us and that humanity always prevails.
Make the world a promise.
We're counting on you.
Your children are counting on you.
The world is counting on you. 🙏
'Ask not what the world can do for you, ask what you can do for the world'
What are the 4 things you will do this month? (set out to do 1 thing each week)
Item10 small typo. carve - crave?